As the fastest growing area of organised crime worldwide, Cyber Security is something that affects us all, at home and at work. Achieve Cyber Essentials with Aspire – the UK National Cyber Security Centre accreditation.

With 33% of UK businesses admitting to losing customers following a data breach (Atomik Research) effective cyber security is imperative to help mitigate the impact of a security breach or cyber-attack.

A risk management framework is a great way to assess your infrastructure and procedures to ensure that your business is protected against cyber threats. By achieving a certification related to cyber security, your organisation can demonstrate that it is security focused and you care about the data of the third parties you handle.

Cyber Essentials is a scheme ran by the UK National Cyber Security Centre which recognises commitment to Cyber Security. As well as being required for government tenders, it is suitable for all organisations, of any size, in any sector and is a great starting point for organisations wanting to invest in their IT security.

Aspire offers Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus consultancy services.

We will work with you to help your organisation implement all of the requirements for the regulatory compliance, complete with vulnerability scans and remediation consultancy. With over 15 years of experience in dealing with cyber-security for business, we can ensure that your organisation is protected and help you achieve compliance.

Advantages of Aspire Cyber Essentials
Consultancy Services


Outsourced Security

Rely on Aspire’s industry expertise and cyber security qualified consultants without having to invest in your own in-house security team and software.


Assessment and Remediation

Aspire will run security assessments and complete necessary remediation work to secure your organisation and ensure you meet the Cyber Essentials framework requirements.


New Business Opportunities

Cyber Essentials will allow your organisation to bid for government contracts. Demonstrate your organisation is safe and secure and uncover new business opportunities.


Competitive Advantage

Gain an advantage over your competition by showing your partners and clients that your organisation takes cyber security seriously and you are committed to protecting your systems and data.


Security Confidence

Have confidence knowing that your organisation is protected from 80% of common cyber threats with technical controls including firewalls, secure configuration, controlled user access, anti-malware and phishing.


Credibility and Reputation

Achieving Cyber Essentials will raise your organisation’s credibility and reputation as it shows you’re compliant with a government backed framework for securing your organisation against cyber threats.

"A great service and very supportive"

Gem Training

Lead Trainer

Want to talk it through?

Why Aspire for Cyber Essentials?

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Aspire Expertise

With over 15 years of experience working with cyber security for business, we can work with you to provide a complete security solution to secure your whole IT environment.

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Our service is underpinned by our unbeatable IT Support Solutions, best illustrated by our NPS (Net Promoter Score) which averages +82, and is deemed ‘world-class’.

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Continuous Protection

Aspire can run scheduled security assessments and scans to ensure that you’re always compliant.

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Single Point of Contact

Aspire can be your single point of contact for all of your IT needs and work with you to implement a full security solution that meets the Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus accreditations.