• Date: Tuesday 26 September 2023
  • Time: 9:00-17:00 (with drinks reception to follow).
  • Venue: The Barracks, St. James’ Park, Newcastle upon Tyne (Click here for directions).
9:00 – 9:30
Reception / The Barracks
9:30 – 9:45
Welcome and Opening Address

Chris Fraser, CEO at Aspire
9:45 – 10:10
Paradigm shifts in Cyber Security and Relevance to the UK CNI (Critical National Infrastructure)

Dr Alex Baxendale , Vice President Consulting Expert at CGI

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10:10 – 10:35
Top 10 Practices for Zero Trust Security

Jaspal Virdee, Principal Solutions Architect EMEA at Extreme Networks

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10:35 – 11:00
Cyber Incident Response Case Study:
Unveiling Effective Strategies to Enhance Capabilities

Adam Veitch, Product Lead at Aspire
Michael Lamb, Incident Response Lead at Aspire

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11:00 – 11:30
The Barracks
11:35 – 12:00
Interacting with Threat Actors:
The Legal Framework and the Impact of AI

Andy Parsons, Partner at Womble Bond Dickinson

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12:00 – 12:25
Managing Your Exposure In The Age Of Digital Transformation

Sanara Marsh, Security Evangelist at Randori, an IBM Company

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12:25 – 13:00
KEYNOTE SESSION: Cyber Crime & Cyber Criminals

Charlie McMurdie, Former head of Police National Cyber Crime Unit

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13:00 – 14:00
The Barracks
14:00 – 14:10
Welcome and Afternoon Address

Phil Jackman, Director at CyberNorth
14:10 – 14:45
KEYNOTE SESSION: Revolutionising Cyber Security: AI and Machine Learning – Friend or Foe?

Sarah Armstrong-Smith, Chief Security Advisor for Europe at Microsoft

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14:45 – 15:10
Do Sweat the Small Stuff: How Small Mistakes Can Lead to Big Breaches

Bob McKay, Operations Director at Aspire

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15:10 – 15:40
The Barracks
15:40 – 16:05
Democratising Security Through AI

John Lester, Senior Engineering Manager at CrowdStrike

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16:05 – 16:30
Enhancing Security in IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)

Mujeeb Ahmed, Senior Lecturer in Cyber Security at the Newcastle University

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16:30 – 17:15
Expert Panel Session

Q&A Panel Session: Engage with our Expert Speakers

Dive into a dynamic panel discussion featuring our event experts.

Hosted by
Annabel Berry, CEO at Ladies Hacking Society / CyberNorth Chair
Chris Fraser, CEO at Aspire

Jaspal Virdee, Principal Solution Architect at Extreme Networks
Andrew Parsons, Partner at Womble Bond Dickinson
Sanara Marsh, Security Evangelist at Randori, an IBM Company
John Lester, Senior Engineering Manager at CrowdStrike
Bob Mckay, Operations Director at Aspire

Delegates have the chance to submit questions on the day. You ask, they answer – live on Slido!

17:15 – 19:00
The Barracks